Southeast Chapter of NCPAC

Southeast Chapter of the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition

Here's how to support the NC House Bill 716- Regulation of AMCs

Attached is a handout similar to the pamphlet passed out to the NC Senators for the vote on this bill. It hits some highlights that might be good to mention in a letter or phone call to your local House of
Representative. Contacting your local Representative may help to turn the tide
for this bill.

To find out your House of Reps, local representative- use this link:

In writing a letter to send, it would be best to avoid talking about income; income is important, but it may derail our focus. The main issue of your discussions
should be to protect the public. If anyone would like to suggest a sample post,
please do....

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Dave and I have been calling and setting up appts with our local Representatives around Raleigh. Several have emailed me back letting us know they will support the bill. I think calling, visiting them at the Legsilative office, or sending a written letter are our best options, but for those that choose to send an email I think it will be effective as well. Thus far we have gotten very favorable responses from all those Dave Cozzarelli and I have contacted! So keep up the good work and if the appraisers you contact do nothing else, have them at least send an email to the Representatives. I think it will go a long way if we do a little of everything.

Here's the list of Representative I have gotten favorable replies from:

Rep Larry Brown
Rep R. Van Braxton
Rep Alma Adams
Rep Pryor Gibson
Rep Rick Glazier

I will update this list accordingly, but don't not talk to these even though you see their name here. We need to let them know we are out here and need this bill!
Thanks Peter!
The only thing I would add is that I understand e-mails are not very effective. A phone call must be logged at the Representative's office along with the message.
Cory Gore

Peter Gallo said:
Make sure you do not refer to the bill as HR 716...Senate Bill 829 is the amended bill that passed in the State Senate and will be debated on hopefully in May. Find the bill here:

It is referred to as "Sen. Jenkin's Bill" or the version that he introduced and was passed. HR 716 is the original unamended bill.

If you have ANY questions, feel free to call me at 704-752-6252 x101 and I will answer anything I can. You can also speak to Jim Postma on this as well, NCPAC's Legislative Director.

Make sure you know this when you speak to your Reps. Good luck!!!


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